You Get It, We Toss It! Edmonton Ticket Fighters
Why Pay For Traffic Tickets If You Can Get Them Tossed?

Ticket Tossers Help You Effectively and Quickly Deal with Speeding, DUI, Stunting and More. Get a FREE Quote in 24 Hours.
Toss Your Ticket Now
Why Fight a Traffic Ticket?
A traffic ticket can be extremely inconvenient and cost a fortune in the long run. The penalties for traffic offenses include: fines, demerit points, profile points for commercial vehicles and companies, license suspensions and possible jail sentences.
DID YOU KNOW: traffic ticket(s) can increase your insurance by 25-400% annually for at least four years?
Our Traffic Ticket Lawyers Are Ready To Help
We are here to toss your traffic ticket(s), we ensure that your demerits are reduced, and most importantly to have a 0% increase in insurance for you.
Who better to take on your traffic violation than someone who knows the ins and outs of the laws & the court system itself?