Hit and Run Tickets

silver car damaged by accident on road

A hit and run occurs when you're involved in a car accident, leave the scene without stopping to identify yourself or render aid to anyone who might need assistance. 

The penalties for hit and run can be quite severe such as fines of between $5,000 and $20,000. Depending on the nature of the accident and the injuries that resulted, a hit and run is punishable by up to 15 years in prison in some states.

Consequences you face are:

  • A fine of not more than $2,700 + 15% surcharge

  • Further suspension of your licence for 6 months from the end of your current suspension

  • Failure to pay fine will result in 14 days to a maximum of 6 months in prison

  • If this is your second offence within one year of the original offence, you face the same penalties as above, plus jail time from 14 days to 6 months.